Saturday, April 14, 2007


Here are a couple of links for interested people to follow. This week's Beat has a good article about Wilco (4 days and counting!) here which is a lot less of the 'smug reviews of songs nobody else has heard yet except me, smarmy music writer that I am' and more of the 'should be a good show guys'.

Also, here is the site where I found inspiration for my Sesame Street entry from the other day, the lyrics archive. A great trip back to your misspent youth. And for those of you who perhaps saw no need for such a site, there is a Muppet-esque wiki type thing which is also very good fun. Have a look here at


Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks for the muppet encyclopedia link,

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the song 'Fur' by Stuie Monster and the Aristocrats? I love that song!

Thanks for the link!
