Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wilco, the album

I had the chance to listen to the new Wilco album streamed live over the net the other day and the first listen proved it will be another great one. Wilco produce the kind of albums you need to hear several times to appreciate properly, so I can't make any grand claims yet of the superiority of this album over any previous ones. It does stack up quite well against Sky Blue Sky on first listen, however. Stand out tracks include the title track Wilco the Song, third track titled One Wing and many of the songs towards the end of the album which I haven't yet distinguished from each other.

I also heard Regina Spektor's new song Laughing With from her forthcoming album, release date pending. It's a great track, with a little more instrumental depth than some of the sparser content on Begin to Hope, but the humour of Soviet Kitsch in its lyrics. Looking forward to the rest.

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